Thursday, February 9, 2012

Postmortem for a Scar

when you hear a voice from inside you, you'll know it's your benefactor
if the voice is from without you then discern if comfort or distractor
if you share with another that which came from deep within
be happy they delighted or were renewed from whence they've been

but dear friend there is a stab that may lacerate your compassion
when you find that another rapes your heart as an assassin
by taking that which they would find and use it for their glory
without remorse and with full knowledge it's not their light or their story

Be assured dear one and not hindered in your art or your vision
even though, for just this moment, your tempted to grow derision
because this con from your art gains praise with no remorse
a reckoning, will in time, give them due for their course

written by Scott Schoffstall
© January 11, 2011
all rights reserved

Poetic Sojourn

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