Sunday, February 5, 2012

Brain Cell

there's a deceptive silence
thoughts reverberate
so many accomplices
ascend, incite
they vie for reprieve
but there's none for them

denied for another time
refused, they refuse
they're compelled to conspire
because they've not been released

past remembered, forgotten, it's all there
pain is a lifer that way
you banish it
it will find you
in fact it never leaves
it merely lies in wait

it becomes a platform
whereupon the new found its gallows
its noose, uncoils, awaits
it allies with the new to make certain the grip
when it snares you by the throat

you can't recall but it remains
it's there because it could seek no outlet
when it was still young and malleable
over time it hardened under the pressure of its mold
and now a keep is constructed
it has been laid stone upon stone
kept now by a firmed foundation

it's home. you know it well
it's no refuge though
a prison of time's making
with no pardon

Written by Scott Schoffstall
© December 31, 2010

all rights reserved
Poetic Sojourn

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